New Aspect Counselling Counselling and Fertility Counselling in Bristol and Online

Fertility Counselling 

I am a member of the British Infertility Counselling Association (BICA) and I offer counselling for individuals undergoing fertility treatment, or those who are looking for a space to talk through an infertility diagnosis.

The prospect of infertility is often incredibly painful and anxiety provoking. I offer a safe and non-judgmental place to help you work through your experience and to support you as you decide how to move forward.

I am happy to work with all genders around their experience of infertility. I specialise in offering male Infertility counseling.

Male infertility is linked to around half of all couple infertility problems, but there is often a stigma around talking about male infertility. Men's feelings around an infertility focus can often be lost amongst the appointments and medical processes. My aim is to counter this by offering a safe environment to talk about the impact of an infertility diagnosis. For those that are undergoing fertility treatment I offer support to understand the process and implications, and to have a space to talk about issues that come up through the experience of treatment.

Many men suffering with infertility report feelings of guilt and isolation, of feeling outside of the fertility treatment process. I offer a place to talk through the diagnosis, and the impact this has on self-esteem and self image, alongside the pressures treatment brings, and the uncertainty of the fertility treatment process. Havng a space to talk through the fertility treatment process can help to reduce stress and anxiety at this time.

Some couples may choose not to undergo fertility treatment, or treatment may not be successful, I also offer support to talk through the prospect of living without children, and building a meaningful life despite this. 


I offer potential clients an initial phone call to help explain how therapy works and to discuss what they would like to get from therapy.

If you have any questions please contact me here.


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